Saturday, August 4, 2007

Day 21-In St. Cloud, MN (Warning: HP 7 Spoiler)

Things are still going well. The first two days after leaving Chicago were pretty rough, and I honestly did consider leaving the trip. I kept thinking about Oliver, going for runs with my sisters, starting my dissertation, going to camp, hanging at my parent's pool, hanging with the fam, and about the disgusting rashes raking my body. I was miserable. But then I realized if I left, unlike Ron, I would have no deluminator to get me back to Hermione and Harry, er I mean Ross and Armin, so I had to be really sure about leaving. Armin and Ross also said they didn't feel so great on the second day on the road after Chicago, and as misery loves company I knew I couldn't leave.

So, we've been continuing on, following the Mississippi River through Wisconsin, and then hitting Ross' Aunt and Uncle's place outside of St. Paul the day after the bridge collapse. We weren't close to that area, but what a terrible tragedy. So scary and sad for all those people.

Wisconsin was gorgeous, and a little hilly, and Minnesota has also been really nice. All the people have been super friendly, and the cheese delicious. Ross' aunt and uncle treated us like royalty. After an amazing dinner of grilled chicken and potatoes, watermelon, musk mellon (so much better than cantaloupe i've found, even though they've only changed the name, as far as i can tell), sweet corn, salad, and ice cream, and a breakfast of scrambled eggs, fresh jam, watermellon and musk mellon, we left their house on Friday morning. We had a short 60 mile day, spending last night in Big Lake. The most exciting thing for me about the day, aside from the luxury of having energy at the end of the night since we only rode 60 miles, was that I finally got my first flat 1385 miles into the trip. I know this may not sound like something to be excited about, but it was starting to unnerve me that I hadn't had one, and it was ever so satisfying to change it myself and to get back on the road. Not to mention that 4 people stopped to ask if I needed any help! I love the people here.

So, we are in St. Cloud today, and have had a REALLY short day. We rode 25 miles, and are planning to stay here for the night with Ross' cousin. His family has been great to us, as have all of our hosts. A special thanks again to everyone hosting us in Chicago, especially the Shafer's and Bernadette.

More updates to explore the splendors of St. Cloud, and absorb the great local accent.


Anonymous said...

Julie - so sorry to hear about your rash! I know eating melon helps. If it makes you feel any better, a radically alarming and rather horrifying dinner table conversation topic like boil appeared on my left wrist seven days ago. As a research assistant for the univ of oregon this summer, I can only ascribe my situation to something on that sheet of paper I signed six weeks ago that read "I declare the UO not liable for any marine pathogen or avian disease that I contract." It's really awesome to pop it.... are any of your rashes pustulating (sp?) ??

Peace in the middle east, keep riding fast.

Rat-a-tat said...

Julie Lowell, I FORBID YOU TO WRITE ANYTHING REGARDING HARRY POTTER IN YOUR BLOG. I almost read the passage about Ron and then closed the screen as soon as I saw that you were writing about Harry Potter. If you tell me anything, and I mean ANYTHING about what happens in the 7th book, I will personally see to it that your rashes do not go away. I'm serious, I'll fly my butt to the middle of Montana and put itching powder in your bike shorts if that's what it takes to make you not blog about that damn book.

On a lighter note, I miss you!


Suzanne Lowell said...

seriously jules, no fair. if you're going to, you at least need to put CauTION: SPOILERS!!! poor nat.

oh, my heart skipped a beat when i heard you were thinking of coming home sooner thanlater. hooray. that would be so much fun. but that's no supportive is it? you're halfway there! you can run leaf peepers with us next year!

hopefully we'll catch each other soon.

ride like the wind,

Dan said...

Julie -- it sounds like you guys are really covering a lot of ground quickly. Way to push through the desire to quit. Every day during the first week of my trip, I wanted to quit, but things got better (except having to get back on the bike after lunch, which continued to suck). Call me when you get to Portland and let me know when you'll be in SF!


p.s. Can you guys post more photographs?

Hilary said...

Julie Julie Julie!! You are amazing! I think the hardest part of the trip must be the starting up again after a relaxing break in the middle (though let me know if that's wrong and the worst part is the rash, 'cuz that sound pretty bad). I rode thirty something miles this weekend and consider my sore behind psychological company for yours. I hope it helps.
ps. I effing loved Harry Potter. I can't wait to talk to you about it when you're back and we won't be spoilers and get yelled at by your other less fortunate friends who have yet to read it.

Patrick said...

Rock on! If you didn't think about quitting at least once during the trip you are: 1) loony, 2) a space cadet, or 3) one of those ultra-marathon running die hards who never tire (and annoy mortals like me).
I can verify that Hilary and I rode back to back days last weekend on the shores of Lake Champlain and our butts were sore. Hilary has since ridden another 20 something miles, while I patiently wait for the weekend.
May the WIND be at your back.